For whatever unknown reason to me, I feel such a deep connection with the artist. This was my birthday as well. He somehow speaks through his Polaroids and gives you a simple understanding of what he was feeling or thinking with each, and it’s both elegant & fulfilling, as well sorrowful and stoic. I have such a hard time describing how Im moved by each photo… Mesmerizing and haunting, all at once. Thank you for these experiences.
The day I was born. This is really cool and I am glad he did this. He is an inspiration to me.
For whatever unknown reason to me, I feel such a deep connection with the artist. This was my birthday as well. He somehow speaks through his Polaroids and gives you a simple understanding of what he was feeling or thinking with each, and it’s both elegant & fulfilling, as well sorrowful and stoic. I have such a hard time describing how Im moved by each photo… Mesmerizing and haunting, all at once. Thank you for these experiences.